

这部最新好看的<<你是我的氧气>>在2020 年在泰国开始上映,由出名的导演:Jane.Botta主持拍摄,由著名的演员:NutSupanutLourhaphanich,PetchChanapoomThenwong,肯干卡·坤乍努,NaradonNamboonjit,ThanyananPipatchaisiri等人参与演出,一经播出就引起不少关注。
以下是这部<<你是我的氧气>>的剧情介绍:Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face.Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wrist. Money, fame, good looks, the boy has everything, except his smile. When Solo's mother passed away, she took with him his smile. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him... that is — until one day when he sees a smiling boy working at a cafe.One night the two worlds collide in a small coffee shop. For a cup of hot milk and a warm smile, Solo finds himself back in the cafe every night. For a soft boy who reminds him of a husky, Gui finds himself waiting for a late-night visitor with a cup of hot milk, night after night.Night after night, the two boys continue to meet. At the same spot, at the same time, until they soon come to realize that they have become each other's breath. A necessity. Just like Oxygen.

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