最后五个人全集 免费 在线观看
这部最新好看的<<最后五个人>>在1951 年在美国开始上映,由出名的导演:Arch,Oboler主持拍摄,由著名的演员:William,Phipps,Susan,Douglas,Rubes,James,Anderson等人参与演出,一经播出就引起不少关注。
以下是这部<<最后五个人>>的剧情介绍:Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet. While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movi...
这部最新好看的<<最后五个人>>在1951 年在美国开始上映,由出名的导演:Arch,Oboler主持拍摄,由著名的演员:William,Phipps,Susan,Douglas,Rubes,James,Anderson等人参与演出,一经播出就引起不少关注。
以下是这部<<最后五个人>>的剧情介绍:Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet. While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movi...