这部好看的美国电视剧讲述,Confectionery magnate John Briggs, head of an ailing empire and at odds with union leader Kenny Barber, is found dead of an apparent heart attack in a hotel bedroom. He was about to sell his company to millionaire Emmett Schwartzman. His sole heir is long estranged daughter Geraldine, to the chagrin of his brother Phillip, whom Geraldine appoints as company director. Young police pathologist Jack Hodgson claims Briggs was murdered, believing he had been with a prostitute, and is sufficiently persuasive that Leo recruits him to replace Harry, now working in New York. Briggs right hand man Trenter pays off escort Deanna Collier, who is actually Geraldines daughter and had just tracked Briggs down. Geraldine gives Deanna a charm bracelet but soon afterwards the girl is murdered.

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